Adele specializes in producing purebred Shagya-Arabians for performance as well as for bloodstock. Adele has also focused on breeding superior Warmblood mares to Shagya-Arabian stallions to produce Shagya/Warmblood crosses which are especially suited for dressage and eventing.

If Shagya-Arabians Are Sport Horses, Why Haven’t I Heard Of Them Before?
You are not alone. In Europe the breed is often referred to as the “New-Old” breed. It is “new” because Shagya-Arabians are being rediscovered by many around the world, and “old” because Shagya-Arabian breeding began more than 200 years ago in 1789 when the Babolna State Stud in Hungary was founded.

How International Shagya-Arabian Judge Adele Furby Founded Her Shagya-Arabian Breeding Program
Adele is breeding a horse that possesses the intelligence, beauty, elegance, grace and toughness of Arabian horses along with the power, calmness and balance of the Warmblood and Iberian breeds.

Foundation Stallions
These are the stallions that provided the backbone of Adele’s breeding program.

Stallions at Stud
Offering frozen semen from these five approved
Shagya-Arabian Stallions