A limited amount of frozen semen is available. Please inquire.

Shagya Royal AF is a 16 hand son of the imported *Shandor. His grandsire, Shagal, was a European Champion stallion who was also approved in Germany for Trakehner breeding, as well as for Danish warmbloods. Roy has proven himself to be a highly prepotent producer of performance horses, as evidenced by his being named the Champion Meritorious Sire of sport horses for 10 years running for the North American Shagya-Arabian Society (NASS). Roy consistently throws size, dressage and jumping talent, and tractable disposition, as evidenced by his nearly 16.2 hand Shagya-Arabian son Nicolette’s Revelation AF, and many others. Roy inherited his ability to throw blacks from *Shandor’s damsire, the black Hungarian Babolna-bred Shagya XXXIX daughter Sahara.
Roy’s dam is the now-deceased Rachelle AA, by Hungarian Bravo and out of the purebred Arabian mare WC Rachelle. WC Rachelle’s pedigree reads like a “who’s who” of some of the best desert Arabian blood ever brought to America. Rachelle’s sire, the magnificent dark bay stallion Alcibiades was the product of Richard Pritzlaff’s breeding program in New Mexico. Mr. Pritzlaff, a true “renaissance man”, was personal friends with both Colonel Handler, director of the Spanish Riding School, and Pettko von Szandtner, the Hungarian “Shagya-Arabian breeding artist” who discovered Nazeer. Mr. Pritzlaff imported a handful of horses from Egypt in the early 1950’s,among these were the bay Nazeer son Rashad Ibn Nazeer, and the Nazeer daughter Bint Moniet el Nefous. Mr. Prizlaff’s breeding program was well known in Arabian circles for producing real athletes which were also very beautiful. Rachelle’s dam RG Blazing Star, was a combination of “new Egyptian” and “old” Egyptian desert Arabian blood. This pedigree exemplifies traditional breeding system of Babolna (the birthplace of the Shagya-Arabian breed) of using only the highest quality and purest desert Arabian horses as improvers for the ongoing further development of Shagya-Arabian breed. And, in Roy’s case, “The proof is in the progeny”.
Roy has been retired from breeding and there is a very limited amount of frozen semen available for superior mares.

Shagya Royal AF inspection photo at age 4
Shagya Royal AF Pedigree
Shagya-Arabians Blue
Purebred Arabians Green